Turning headlines into action

The Global Anti-Corruption Consortium (GACC) accelerates the fight against corruption by connecting hard-hitting investigative journalism to skillful civil society advocacy. GACC is led by OCCRP and Transparency International (TI).

Reveal + Respond = Results

By bringing together two complementary networks, including OCCRP’s 65+ member centers and TI’s 100+ national chapters, GACC has assembled a global coalition well-suited to tackling transnational corruption while breaking down the silos that traditionally separate journalists, advocates, and other anti-corruption stakeholders.


GACC pursues four mutually reinforcing aims:

Expose corruption and related forms of wrongdoing

GACC enables OCCRP and other groups to pursue cross-border investigations across the world, supporting 200+ investigations to date.

Support anti-corruption investigators around the world

GACC helps hundreds of journalists to access research, data, training, and security resources, and creates opportunities for allies to convene across silos.

Advocate for reform

GACC advocacy calls for action to address the global and national challenges revealed by investigative reporting – such as corporate secrecy, corruption’s professional enablers, and weak environmental protections.

Secure consequences

Using revelations from investigative reporting, TI and other civil society partners make legal submissions that call for sanctions, criminal investigations, and other forms of legal accountability.

GACC Approach

Journalists publish investigations

Journalists + advocates share information

Civil society advocacy
+ legal submissions

Real world results


In 2022 and 2023, GACC’s work contributed to:


real-world results, including:


official investigations into corruption, sanction violations, environmental crime, election interference, and other wrongdoing


indictments or arrests by authorities in 18 countries


official government actions, including policy changes, legislative actions, and sanctions

Read more about GACC's latest impacts